lady looking at sign


We're here to help.

Life happens… and we understand your financial circumstances may change and affect your ability to manage your debt. If you’re experiencing financial hardship like unemployment, trouble paying bills, or just need help paying your loan this month, our hardship program may be able to help.

Let us work with you to understand the issues you are experiencing and explore what assistance we can provide.  We are dedicated to working with you to avoid letting your loan payments overextend you financially and address the issues we can help with. Please contact our offices toll-free at 800.948.6677, Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. EST.

Payment options may be available

The right option for you depends on your individual circumstances. When you provide the required information and documentation about your situation, we can determine if you qualify for temporary or long-term relief, including loan and mortgage options that may allow you to stay in your home.

If you have an auto loan, personal loan, or Visa® credit card, you can download the Hardship Application here. If you have questions, please call us at 800.948.6677 from Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. EST or visit a branch.
Supporting documents that may be required:

  • Completed Hardship Application
  • Monthly expenses and income forms
  • Hardship letter
  • Proof of household income (see application for details)
Please return the completed application and supporting documents to one of the following methods:

  • In person at a branch
  • Partners Digital Banking Secure Message
  • Mail to:
    Partners Federal Credit Union
    Attention: Consumer Loans
    13705 International Drive South
    Orlando, FL 32821
For HELOC Assistance, please call our office toll free at 800.948.6677, and ask for the HELOC Servicing Department, Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. EST.

Below is a list of options to consider in order to avoid foreclosure.

The variety of options summarized below may help you keep your home. For example, you may be eligible to modify your account, lowering your monthly payment to make it more affordable. Contact us to determine if you qualify.

Depending on your circumstances, staying in your home may not be possible. In this case, a short sale or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure may be a better choice than foreclosure – see the chart below for more information. You would need to obtain your mortgage lender approval and us for these two options.

Don’t delay as failure to take action may result in foreclosure proceedings being initiated on your account.

Options for Your HELOC Overview Benefit
Reinstatement Pay the total amount you owe, including any expenses incurred, in a lump sum by a specific date. Allows you to avoid foreclosure by bringing your
account current.
Repayment Plan Pay back your past-due payments together with your regular payments over an extended period of time Allows you time to catch up on late payments without having to come up with a lump sum.
Modification or Refinance Depending on your situation, receive a loan modification or refinance to make it more affordable or manageable. Permanently modifies your account so that your payments or terms are more manageable as a permanent solution to a long-term or permanent hardship.
Short Sale Based on approval from your mortgage lender and us, sell your home and pay off your mortgage debts for a portion lower than the
amount owed
Allows you to transition out of your home without going through foreclosure.
Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure  Based on approval from your mortgage lender and us, you may transfer ownership of your property. Allows you to transition out of your home, without going through foreclosure.


Submit a HELOC Hardship Request

To submit a HELOC hardship request, below is the Homeowner Check List detailing the documents required. Please return the completed HELOC Hardship Application and supporting documents via one of the following methods:

  • Visit a branch
  • Partners Digital Banking Secure Message
  • Mail to:
    Partners Federal Credit Union
    Attention: Portfolio Servicing – HELOC
    13705 International Drive South
    Orlando, FL 32821

Homeowner Checklist: HELOC Account

Step 1 - Required Forms (must be fully completed and signed by every person on the account)
  • Hardship Application
  • Income documentation as outlined in the Hardship Application
  • Hardship letter detailing your current situation (must be signed and dated)
Step 2 - Supporting Documentation (You may need the most current or recent version of these documents during your review. This is not a comprehensive list. You will be advised what additional documents may be required.)
  • Member Information
    • Driver's License (or state-issued photo ID)
    • First Lien Mortgage Statement (if applicable)
    • Homeowners Association (HOA) Statement (if applicable)
    • Property/Homeowner/Hazard/Flood Insurance Statement
    • Property Tax Bill
    • Utility Bill (gas, electric)
  • Member Financial Information
    • Last 2 Months Checking & Savings Account Statements (include all pages including blanks)
    • Last 2 Months Other Bank Account Statements (investments, 401K's, stocks, bonds, etc.)
    • Last 2 Years Federal Tax Returns (all filed pages, must be signed)
    • Employed? If so:
      • Paystubs for the past 30 days
    • Supplemental Income? If so:
      • Documents for the past 30 days (child support, alimony, rental, etc.)
    • Self Employed? If so, provide:
      • Profit and Loss (P&L)
      • Statement Year-to-Date (within minimum of 3 previous months)
      • Personal and/or business bank account statements for all bank or investment accounts (last 4 months)
    • Retired? If so, provide:
      • Social Security/Social Security Disability Insurance – Award Letter
      • Pension – Award Letter
Partners understands that life happens, and we are here to assist you when things do not go according to plan. You can expect that we will evaluate your application and determine what homeowner assistance programs may be available to you. If you are facing financial difficulties and your mortgage payments are falling behind or are unable to repay the monthly payment, please apply for assistance as soon as possible.

We can offer a variety of workout options depending on the type of loan you have, from a forbearance agreement, a repayment plan or loan modification.

If you unable to stay in your home, we also have the short sale and deed in lieu of foreclosure options.

Applying for Assistance

  • Access your mortgage loan from Partners online banking. Select the Education tile and then Financial Hardship and Disasters. From that menu select the option(s) you would like to explore.
  • Call the Mortgage Servicing Department toll free at 877.877.7489 Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EST | Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. EST
If you are seeking assistance with your mortgage and the loan has been sold to a Government Sponsored Enterprise (GSE), such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, we will follow their guidelines for assistance. To find out if your loan is owned by a GSE and for a complete list of their workout options, follow the links below to see if your loan is owned by:

Additional Assistance Resources

  • Contact HUD for an approved housing counseling agency. They can be reached at 800.569.4287 or TYY 800.877.8339 or their website at
  • For military service members, contact MilitaryOneSource who can provide housing assistance information. They can be reached at 800.342.9647, TYY/TDD dial 711 and give the toll-free number 800.342.9647 or their website at
  • You may reach out to other housing agencies for assistance. Homeownership Preservation Foundation can be reached at 888.995.HOPE.
  • The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (APRA) created the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) to provide funds to homeowners facing a financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Find more information and details on applying for the HAF program by visiting the web portal or by going and clicking on your State.

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Personal 1-on-1 Financial Counseling

We know juggling finances along with everything else life throws at you can be challenging, but we're here to help. Partners Members can access free one-on-one financial coaching to help review your budget or manage your debt.