Partners Cast Member Spotlight: Doing it Right

We’ve all had new-job-jitters. That flutter in your stomach, the sense of nerves stretched tight. You want desperately to make a good impression and get things right.
Imagine adding to that the confusion of an unfamiliar culture, paperwork, and a language that’s not your own.
Partners Cast Members are there to provide service and excellence… and not always the way you might expect.
New Disney Cast Members attend classes called Traditions at Disney University to learn more about The Walt Disney Company's heritage when they begin their new career journey. Students commonly wait in the café for their class to be collected and start. And there, right near the door, is Tardelle, a Partners Member Education Development Advocate. She’s got informational flyers, pencils, and a red Partners bag to help new Cast Members get financially settled. She’s also got a secret weapon to fight the new-job-jitters and confusion.
“My mom is a Regional Training Manager for Disney’s Riviera Resort and Caribbean Beach resort. She and my dad came here from Haiti.” She said, “While growing up, English of course was my first language, while taking interest and learning Creole from a young age, I would say around age 5.”
“Whenever we have Haitian Creole cast members and I able to let them know I speak Creole and communicate with them more effectively they are always so pleased! My Haitian Creole is conversational, but they are really appreciative. They have come across someone who can fully understand them, so they take the opportunity to ask every question that they have on their mind. Yes, we do have translation lines, but a lot find it easier to communicate with a person, in person.”
Recently, Tardelle was recognized for going above and beyond with a Grape Soda Recognition from Disney University's Learning Coordinator and Program Facilitator.
“Thank you for always being such an amazing partner during our Tradition days. You and your team continually provide stellar dedication and support greeting and assisting our new Disney Cast Members when our team may not be readily available. Your hard work, dedication, and ongoing support to the Disney University Learning Ops team is very much appreciated and we’re grateful for your partnership and the Magic you share!” The learning coordinator said in his praise of Tardelle.
“Anytime I can help someone get a better understanding of something or teach something new is what is creating magic means to me. No one wants to live in a state of confusion so anyway I can help to clear that, is highly important to me.” said Tardelle.
“Tardelle’s contributions in everything that happens is vital to our collective success. These demonstrations of her constant willingness to jump in has made a huge impact on the ultimate success of our entire operation each time she is present! Whether it be translating in Creole, guiding a new Cast Member to our check-in area during very busy Tradition arrival days, or just simply checking in with our DU Family and how we’re doing.” The coordinator explained.
“During Traditions our future cast members who speak a different language and their English is very minimally usually accompanied by a family member or friend to help translate. When you come with a companion they can only get as far as check in, they cannot spend the day with you by attending your classes. That is where I come in because I do not mind helping those who need translation for a question pertaining to Partners Federal Credit Union or a quick question with their Disney onboarding.”
As part of creating an inclusive culture where all who come to work are welcome, Disney University does have dedicated Spanish and Haitian Creole language Traditions several times a month. For those new Cast Members that receive their Traditions in their second language, having Tardelle there to help them find their way is significant advantage.
Tardelle’s actions and attitude illustrate one of Partner’s brand promises, displaying service and excellence that honors The Walt Disney Company heritage and traditions as well as displaying outstanding inclusion by reaching out with her language skills to make those new-job-jitters, a little less so.
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